Thursday, November 28, 2013

10 things we should say more often

10 things we should say more often from Mrs Guy on Vimeo.

20 things we should say more often

We enjoyed watching this video this morning. We had some great discussions about what we think we should say more often. Children worked in groups to come up with their  own 10 things and created some paper slide videos to show them. Paper slides to come, until then, enjoy the video!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hannah's cause and effect story

In reading we have been learning to identify cause and effect relationships. Hannah wrote this story showing cause and effect after we read the story 'If you Give a Cat a Cupcake' by Laura Numeroff:

If you give a dog a brownie

If you give a dog a brownie, he will want icing sugar to go with it . He will probably get it all over him.    You will tell him to go in the bath, but he will refuse and want you to take him to the beach. Then he will get scared of sharks and will want to study on them. So you will take him to the museum. When you get there he will be hungry, so you will take him to the cafe. There will be brownies there and he will want icing sugar to go with. 

By Hannah